About us


The Pentecostal Church of God, Ahmedabad

churchlogoThe Pentecostal Church of God is an independent Pentecostal church located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.  It was founded in late 1970’s by a group of passionate young Christian souls who had relocated from Kerala to Ahmedabad due to their job postings and were eager to have a good Christian fellowship and worship the Lord in truth and Spirit. The Church first conducted its weekly meetings in a small room in Uttarah near Subash Bridge with Pastor Yohannan Mathew as its first Pastor. Later, in early 80’s as the church grew in numbers it relocated to new premises in Ramnagar, Sabarmati.  With the growing spiritual needs of the young church, the then committee understood the need of a spiritual affiliation. Discussions on the matter led to an affiliation with Sharon Fellowship Church, Manakkala, which appoints Pastors – in – charge to minister in our Church.


Over the last 25 years the church has grown in numbers and has had many Pastors serving different durations and providing spiritual leadership to the Church. Few of the note worthy pastors include Pastor Tharkachan, Pastor Babu Samuel, Pastor Achankunju , Pastor Alexander, Pastor PP Philip and our current Pastor V A Alexander.

The church appreciates the remarkable contributions of many of its brothers and sisters who have wholeheartedly supported and worked for its growth.

Since its inception, the church has fulfilled spiritual needs of thousands of Christians and endeavoured to lead many on the path of salvation and a life of loving the lord and living for him . On an average about 150 members regularly attend the church meetings

The second and third generations youths of the church have now taken up the responsibility to take up this torch of faith lit by our forefathers and spread the love of God to many more in the days to come.


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