About Sharon Fellowship Church

The Pentecostal Church of God is affiliated to Sharon Fellowship Church , Tiruvalla.

Pastor P.J. Thomas is the founder of the Sharon Fellowship Church. Now it has more than 2050 local churches in India and other 34 countries and also have 10 Bible colleges around the world.
Rev. John Thomas is the president of this organization. It has a strong emphasis on theological scholarship. It currently has the only Pentecostal accredited seminary (Faith Theological Seminary, Manakkala, Adoor) that offers post-graduate degrees.
The reputation of the “Sharon” name came with two revival meetings that were documented in a reputed Indian newspaper and the opening of the Bible College at the Sharon compound in 1953. During a period of unrest in the Pentecostal churches in India, Pastor P.J. Thomas remained neutral and the Sharon compound was often used as a place of mediation. The church began to truly grow in the 1960’s and the mission oriented vision gives emphasis on theological scholarship as well as pioneer ministry.
- Sharon Fellowship Church, truly a church distinguished by separatism and energized by revivalism.